Friday, September 4, 2020

 Hey Trump...Трахни свою мать.

I come from a service family. My great uncle on my Da's side, was army in WWII. My Moms cousin was MSG Roy Benavidez...MoH in Vietnam. My father was WIA in Vietnam at Dak To. My former BIL did Desert Storm and technically 2nd gen 101st (my Da was 101st), my brother was a Marine in Bosnia, my nephew did 2 tours in Iraq this go round. My uncles served in the Air Force, Air Force, and Marines. We just pay back for what our family has been given to us by our country.

Unlike a certain family who think they are american royalty.
I dare any of his followers to call me or mine "losers" or "suckers" in person, to my face. Go ahead, it'll be fun.
I might not win the fight. But you will know you were in one. We will both go to the ER.
If you are a veteran friend of mine and you still after this, still defend the current occupant of the white house...get the fuck off my page. I don't need or want you in my life.
My oath was to the Constitution, not to a flag, not to a song and certainly not to an occupant of the white house.
Some of you might want to remember that.

The current occupant of the white house is a fecking embarrassment, he denigrates those who have died for this country, have served this country and still actively serve this country. What the fuck is wrong with you if you still support him.

The non english opening, yeah go look that up. It's one of my favorite non english phrases I learned in the FRG. That would be the Federal Republic of Germany. Where I served in the Army of my own choice since I come from a service family. I put my ass on the line for nine years. If not for Don't Ask, Don't Tell, I would still be serving my country in my Beloved Army. I'd do it again if I was allowed. And not this fecking old.

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