Friday, September 4, 2020

 Hey Trump...Трахни свою мать.

I come from a service family. My great uncle on my Da's side, was army in WWII. My Moms cousin was MSG Roy Benavidez...MoH in Vietnam. My father was WIA in Vietnam at Dak To. My former BIL did Desert Storm and technically 2nd gen 101st (my Da was 101st), my brother was a Marine in Bosnia, my nephew did 2 tours in Iraq this go round. My uncles served in the Air Force, Air Force, and Marines. We just pay back for what our family has been given to us by our country.

Unlike a certain family who think they are american royalty.
I dare any of his followers to call me or mine "losers" or "suckers" in person, to my face. Go ahead, it'll be fun.
I might not win the fight. But you will know you were in one. We will both go to the ER.
If you are a veteran friend of mine and you still after this, still defend the current occupant of the white house...get the fuck off my page. I don't need or want you in my life.
My oath was to the Constitution, not to a flag, not to a song and certainly not to an occupant of the white house.
Some of you might want to remember that.

The current occupant of the white house is a fecking embarrassment, he denigrates those who have died for this country, have served this country and still actively serve this country. What the fuck is wrong with you if you still support him.

The non english opening, yeah go look that up. It's one of my favorite non english phrases I learned in the FRG. That would be the Federal Republic of Germany. Where I served in the Army of my own choice since I come from a service family. I put my ass on the line for nine years. If not for Don't Ask, Don't Tell, I would still be serving my country in my Beloved Army. I'd do it again if I was allowed. And not this fecking old.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Bag Your Own Fucking Groceries

Today Allison and I had to go to the grocery store. We were amazed at some of the stupid and entitled behavior of some people.

Listen up, if my mom could make 4 children behave in the store by herself, then some of y'all can unfuck your selfish behavior.

Standing half in the aisle intersection while chatting with your friend, blocking both the aisle and the traffic lane is fucking selfish.

Squatting down in the middle of the aisle to read the cans and not paying attention to those who are trying to get around you without running over you, is fucking selfish.

Cutting in front of people to get to the red meat like you are the only one who matters, regardless of the fact you seriously cut off an older woman who was there before you even turned your head towards the meat and cutting off Allison who was already in motion is fucking selfish.

And then there's the woman who stuffed two carts worth of stuff into one cart. I ended up calling her the entitled prepper princess. At least she didn't have more than 2 packages of tp. Oh, that's right, the store has a 2 package limit. She had the look. You know the look I'm talking about, you've seen it. You've even pointed the look out to others.

Lines are long, people are worried, stressed and tempers are short. Let's face it, shopping is a pain in the ass on a good day. But...

If you are going to huff and sigh, then maybe, entitled prepper princess, maybe you should help bag your own fucking groceries. Each time the cashier had to look at the little sticker on produce and enter the code on the sticker, epp just had to make a comment or clear her throat and I kid you not, roll her eyes as soon as the cashier looked away from epp. The cashier then bagged several items. Epp would take the bag, walk to the end of the cashier station, you know, where the bagger normally stands and puts the one bag in her cart.

At one point the man in front of us, who has scooted his cart up to his person as he could so that we could put items on the belt, was trying to put the watermelon on the belt, but couldn't quite get it. I asked him if he wanted help, but he looked like he didn't understand. So, I tried in Spanish. He understood and said "yes, thank you."

Epp, who up to this point was ignoring the world around her, suddenly cannot stop staring/glaring at us. I didn't say a word, I just glared back. Each time she came back from what I call the "bag journey" she just had to glare. I had to glare back. I was almost certain that she would say something. I was waiting for it. She settled for glaring. I settled for glaring back. At a certain point I came to feel sorry for her but only because her brain probably can't work in two languages.

She finally left. Her thank you to the cashier was incredibly bored and insincere.

The gentleman in front of us thanked me in for my help.

Do you know what is not selfish?

The lady behind us had left her teenage daughter in the car, and locked the doors. Daughter opened the car door which set off the car alarm. Instead of just rushing off, the lady explained what happened and asked if we minded if she left her cart and things to run out to fob off the car alarm. We said yes, and we kept her place in the line. She returned in less than three minutes. This time her daughter was with her. Her daughter was disappointed that the eggs were sold out. We told her which store might have eggs (the store in question is owned by our neighbors) and where said store is located.

We gave the cashier time to breathe before she got to us.

Allison gave the cashier the heads up that we would help bag the groceries. And we did. We sincerely thanked our cashier and the sad part is that she looked surprised to have someone else help bag and that the thank you was sincere.

We didn't huff or sigh at her. We didn't bitch about her having to look at the sticker to ring up our produce.

Don't be an epp.