Thursday, September 11, 2014


Today is 9/11. It should be a day for remembering. And I find, sadly, it is turning into something else.

Patriot Day. Someone please explain to me what murder has to do with patriotism? These people were not patriotic in their deaths. Some of them were not Americans. Some of them were from other countries living and working in this county. They were murdered. The first responders were not being patriotic. They were doing their jobs. Scores of them died doing their jobs.

It bothers me that this day, which should be a day of remembrance is in the process of being hijacked. And yes, I did mean to use that word.

And it is arrogant to use this day to promote something else.

The aftermath of 9/11/2001 did increase "patriotism" in this country. But let's face it, revenge and justice were in there somewhere.

It is arrogance that some people and politicians use this day to further their own ideas of what Christianity is supposed to be and look like. News flash to those who would use this date as an excuse to denigrate and or persecute any other religion...Christians weren't the only ones who died that day. Christians weren't the only ones who entered service in the military (or as contractors) who went and fought and died in the aftermath.

It is arrogance to believe that the attack on this country on that day was any more important than any other terrorist attack in the history of mankind. Don't believe me? Try asking those who lived through thirty years of the 'troubles' in Northern Ireland; a lifetime in Israel or Gaza; in Yemen; in Somalia; pick one.

Do you have any idea how easy it is to brainwash someone? Patriotism in ones country is one of the first and easiest hot buttons to push. Know where I learned that tidbit? The US Army, so no, I'm not talking out of my ass.

Patriot Day.  Let's be honest with it and just call it Self Righteousness Day.

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