Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is upon us again. Take a moment to consider what this means. It doesn't mean an extra day off, it doesn't mean bbq, it doesn't mean get drunk and act stupid. That is what generally happens, but there is a deeper purpose.

It is meant to pay homage. Homage to those who have died for this country. To respect the memory of those who were killed in uniform.

These are the men and women who gave their lives while in service to this country.

This weekend I will repeat these names. Cpl R. "Ordinary" Smith - 981st MP Co. PFC Corey Winkle - 24th Mech Inf. Desert Storm. Dario Lorenzeti - US Army, Ranger, State Dept. Afghanistan.

These are not just names, nor do they deserve to be forgotten in lieu of a bbq, a beer bash, a free day off.

I think of other names, mostly MP's (since well I'm kinda biased that way) who have died for this country. My last count of MP's killed in the Middle East was 162...but then I stopped counting. It got too hard. I'll take up the count again when my heart doesn't hurt quite as much.

I will work on Memorial Day as I usually have, and say just a prayer for the fallen, because I'm lucky, I went to war and came home. A lot of uniformed men and women have come home in a box, or were buried on foreign land. "there but for the Grace of God, go I".

*Snap to attention. Rendering Final Honors*


Friday, March 1, 2013

Some Days I Just Have to Wonder

So, I've had a couple of days to stew on this one. The Speaker of the House said words to the effect of "The President has gotten all he's going to get" in reference to tax revenue increase.

Well, ain't that nice of you to say, Sir. And quite honestly, the Sir is habit, no respect meant at all.

In the first four years in office the President (and please understand that he wasn't my real first choice go to guy, Hillary had my vote, I even considered McCain until he chose Palin and even then I thought he was joking) caved to Republican leadership in reference to taxes, medicare, budget and other social programs (now Republicans say he won't "talk to them", huh, seems enough talking *cough, cough* caving was already done).

Now with the "Sequester" in place certain persons of certain parties (read idiotic 5 year old acting persons, but mostly tea party owned persons) are pointing fingers at the President.

I'm officially calling bullshit. I know *gasp* Roselle used the word bullshit. Get over it.

I'm tired of having certain things I and every working person in this country have worked for and fecking PAID for be held hostage. I'm tired of the fecking boogieman sticking his head out (or rather be forced out by certain politicians). I'm tired of taking table scraps while the so called 1% gets the benefit. I work just as hard or harder than the guy or lady (have to be fair here) who have the MBA, (probably harder since I don't see them walking in the crap weather like I do, I'll get back to that choice in a minute or ten) and honestly I'm tired of fecks who make around 170K a year in DC argue round and round so that things DON'T Goddamn well get done. (Please excuse my language, mom will send me to my room if she ever reads this).

First off, we put two wars over ten years on the country credit card. That bill has come due, children. Because of those two wars (one I have no beef with, we had the evidence. The second we had no evidence so the guy in charge fabricated the evidence just cause someone threatened daddy and quite honestly "cuz he could") the VA budget had to increase by twofold (HOW DARE THEM MILITARY TYPES GET HURT), the Defense Budget went through the fecking roof and I don't know (and apparently neither does the the accounting budget office) how much was actually handed over to the "winning bid contractors", a majority of whom oddly enough had ties to the "War Administration". Apparently "Conflict of interest" had no meaning for those in the cabinet of the then-sitting administration.

Raise your hands if you know one of the first acts of the Obama administration was to actually publish the war budget. During the Bush administration the war budget was hidden behind "National Security". Hell people, if I were President and my dog took a shit on the White House lawn it could be hidden under "National Security".  From that point, pen to paper, ink to fabric the budget skyrocketed. The technical term of what the President did is called transparency.

And then came the bank fiasco, and the auto fiasco, bailouts were handed to banks, while the auto industry had to fight for it. In my humble non-MBA opinion I like Iceland's approach:  jail the fecking cheater bankers who KNEW it was idiotic at best and criminal at worst. But no...again if I were President it would be "How long can I put him/her in solitary for? Really? Only that long?"

Then we have the infamous meeting of the conservative tea party owned Republicans who vowed to make President Obama a "one term President". Not my words boys and girls but an accurate thing; they even apparently put out a memo for those who could not attend.

If you as an elected official do obstruct the due political process of the interests of the American people there should be a serious penalty (both parties honestly). I'm thinking knee capping, but I'm told that's not really productive and kinda illegal.

So back to that whole 1% thing. I guess about 45% of the 1 percent actually work for their money. Them I have no problem with. I'd give them a pass. 2/3 of the remaining 1% have inherited their money and have actually never worked a fecking day in their life. You I have a problem with, as I have a problem with the remaining percentage who have been given a company, driven it into the ground, tossed out "Executive bonuses" while your rank and file are on food stamps (see boogieman generalities..I can do it too just like tea party this is kinda fun, I'll have to find more) and then later to find out the pension fund has been raided but wow you line workers are shit outta luck.

And now 40 minutes later not ten sorry, sometimes I do have to think and not cuss as much, I walk around in the weather as I do my job, just as some people with an MBA choose to sit behind a desk and not get their hair wet, that's all cool. I love what I do as they probably love what they do,  but Mr. Speaker...

If you think we are getting out of this financial boondoggle that yes, you Mr Speaker, no don't turn around and look at the Democrat from Missouri, that YOU helped build, without raising taxes, you are a bigger idiot than I was when I signed my enlistment papers. 'Course I was 18 -- I'm not sure what your excuse for fucking over the country is, except pure selfish cussedness.

Oh and one more thing...gun owners..and yes I am one...NO ONE IS COMING FOR YOUR FUCKING WEAPONS. Jesus, God get a freaking grip. Since the age of 10 I've been hearing about gun control, gun bans and ammo bans...raise your hand if the government ever came for and took your damn "toys". I'm 46 now. I have yet to have Mr Policeman, FBI, ATF, and what ever else alphabet soup weenie come for my gun or yours...hell I was hearing that back when President Carter was running for reelection. I know off topic but it was a burr under my butt.

Darn, I was hoping one more boogieman would come to me and try to scare me...oh wait I remember sorry it was just a possum. dang.