At what point do you say enough?
At what point do you admit that the person you voted for is not what is best for this country?
At what point do you admit that you made a mistake?
That is what I want to know from my friends. Hell, even from my not so friends.
At what point?
Is it when an electoral college hands the highest office in the US to an absolute idiot who has a history of lining his own pockets at the expense of others, despite the fact that his opponent won the popular vote by 3 million voters?
Question throw out to those "electoral voters". What is the price of your soul? Thirty pieces of silver? What exactly did you receive for your votes, especially for those in the states that were not won by the current occupant of the white house? I'm seriously curious.
I get it, you didn't like her because "she's not likable". Fuck that excuse. Anyone who pisses off Putin just because she says "NO" to him makes me smile. I trained to kill people like Putin. By the way, just a reminder, we don't bow down to Russian leaders. We bow to no one.
Some of my friends are truck drivers. How's that vote working out for you? I'm laughing at you now because your wallet is suffering. Yes, you knew back then I could be a fucking jerk. I'm still a fucking jerk because you have always said "I'll own my mistakes." Own scoring your goal now.
Some of my friends are farmer families. They voted for a certain someone because "I don't like her". How's that vote going for you? Own scoring your own goal.
Some of my army friends who have gone to war for the last, what 30 years? How the fuck is that vote working out for you? I didn't always like the last guy, but at least he tripled the VA budget so that maybe when you got hit, you might get what is owed to you, but no, you voted for the other guy because "she wasn't nice to us". Scored your own goal, your kids are going next, tell 'em to stay civi street. This guy, well, hope you don't need your government to help you out. Because this guy, it's not going to happen.
The current guy is cuddling up to our enemies, pissing off our allies, making sure that your great grandchildren are going to have to pay off his tax cuts to the uber-rich and generally causing fuckery everywhere and oh by the way insulting those who actually served in uniform and went to war when this country asked. And yet, some of you are still set in your "he's my guy".
Well, at what point, when do you say enough? I really want to know.
Y'all are fodder to him. He will use you, and he will toss you to the side when you are no longer convenient. And y'all think he loves you.
Even worse, your children's blood, when he gets them killed for his money, and the money that benefits HIS children, well too bad. We'll just call that scoring your kid's goal. Hope you can live with that.
When do you say enough? When to you put country over party? When do you believe in the Constitution over convenient lies?
When do recognize that you have been lied to?
I really want to know.
Three years in, it's a Mongolian fucking goatscrew and I'd like to know when you fuckers have had enough.
I've fucking had enough.