Monday, December 17, 2012

Well it's that time again

It's that time where things have gone on and I've heard and read some very interesting comments.

First off, I am heart broken over the Sandy Hook killings.

And now I give you fair warning. I'm probably gonna piss many of you off, some of you will agree with some of what I say, and some of you will probably want to unfriend me. So be it.

People with a will and a desire to kill others will find a way to do so, car, tank, bomb, knife (several of these in gun restrictive Asian countries), poison, take your pick.

I don't know why Ms. Lanza had to have two semi automatic pistols and a Bushmaster Semi Automatic rifle, I didn't know her. She obtained these weapons LEGALLY. I doubt it ever crossed her mind that she needed to defend herself against her son. For those who say she didn't secure her weapons well enough...he lived with her, if they were locked up, how hard would it have been for him to steal the key or find out the combination of a safe, room, locker? How many of you during your growing up years figured out things you weren't "supposed" to know?

The Bushmaster is not an "Assault Rifle", it is a semi automatic rifle patterned after the M-16 Assault Rifle. To qualify as an assualt rifle it would have to be capable of semi AND automatic fire among other things. You might think it's a minor distinction, you would be wrong. If the Bushmaster truly were an "Assault Rifle" the death toll could have been three times as high depending on how much ammunition the shooter carried.

I've said this before, would I, if I had the money legally purchase a semi automatic rifle and ammunition, yes I would, but I would not pretend like so many others do that it is for hunting (Bambi and company do not own or wear kevlar), nor would I buy one because I want a new 'toy'. And yes I've heard these weapons referred to as such by idiots at the gun range. I would buy one because I have no idea what the future holds. It would be for defense only. At least I'm honest about it.

I believe in RESPONSIBLE gun ownership. I do believe that weapons have to be registered, back ground checks should be done even more so than they are now. Is that invasive, maybe but I'd rather you check my back ground than take a chance that I'm unstable. You want to own guns, you should have to pay for safety and shooting classes, you should have to pay for liability insurance, you should have to do both for any family member living in your household who have access to your guns. You should have to have annual background checks and you should have to report any changes in familial status and your ownership status should be accessible to law enforcement.

In Norway (which has highly restrictive gun laws) 69 people were killed. The killer (I refuse to use his name) obtained his weapon legally after trying to obtain one illegally in Prague. He planned for close to 8 years, that's how long it took him to obtain the firearms. Those who want to kill will find a way to kill and some will wait a very long time to do it.

Cops are killed quite often by people who have obtained weapons illegally, I haven't heard much outcry about gun bans when that happens. I hear "oh that's sad".

The number of school districts who still do not have security or their own district police force astounds me. In the wake of Columbine security companies offered their services (yes for a price) to school districts, a majority of the school districts said no. NO ONE wants armed security/police in their schools at any level, unfortunately we live in a society where people who want to do harm will find a way to do harm. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a trained and licensed professional with a weapon protecting my family when I cannot.

We live in a society where it is easier to scream "ban the guns" than it is to tackle the problem of mental health issues. A majority of the mass shootings have involved probable mental health issues of the shooters.

I've heard and read comments to the effect of "why are they letting crazy people have guns", ok for those who don't know it, mental health issues are not always readily obvious. You can't look at the general person and instantly know that they have a problem.

This country has an absolutely dismal record when dealing with mental health issues. From medical types who would rather over medicate than actually take the time to diagnose, insurance companies who don't even want to cover these issues and or restrict the level of care, the shutting down of services that might actually be able to help and the shuffling off of these people into the hands of the legal entities. Take a look an any prison system in this country and guess how many of those beind bars have mental health issues prior to incarceration.

We don't want to deal with it, why? Oh, it's not society's problem, why do I have to pay to fix someone else's efed up kid? It's the parent's fault. It's all those tv programs. Bull shit. Let's face ugly facts some people are born mentally broken (no matter what the reason) and yes as a society we do have a responsibility to help because at some point in time there will probably be someone in your family who has a mental health issue.

I am going to say this and probably piss some people off. Until the law of the land changes get your mitts away from my right to my LEGALLY obtained firearms. I do understand your stance, please believe me, and I respect it. But respect my right as a highly RESPONSIBLE gun owner. And yes I'm about to piss off the idiot gun owners. Get your shit right, firearms are not toys and quit acting like they are. You don't need fifteen hundred rounds for a weekend in the woods, you don't need a silencer for your Uzi.

Onward. Those crying out that Sandy Hook and any other shooting is the WILL of GOD for what ever SIN you think has been committed by society. I hope that when you get to God's Gate, you find a serious wake up call and the express elevator to hell. Somehow I doubt God is rejoicing at the sight of 26 innocent souls arriving at His gate. Take your self serving opinions somewhere else. How would you feel if it was your family member? Somehow I doubt you'd be saying what you are saying now. Last I checked Judgement was God's job, not yours.

Benghazi...still? Those of you screaming for "the truth, for justice" where were you during the first ten years of the war when 53 (I posted 43 on a fb post earlier and I was wrong) embassy and state department personnel were killed in attacks? Where were you when the State department last year asked for a larger budget for security of embassies, consulates and safe houses? Oh, yeah a Republican controlled congress (I'd call out the Democrats if they'd controlled the congress on that vote too so don't get your shorts in a wad) basically said, "Nope, you've got what you got".

So you believe the CIA when they testified that what they told Rice was not what she stated. Uh huh, this is the same organization who first denied involvement in the Bay of Pigs, who first denied that Iran/Contra existed, didn't believe the mainstream Afghan rebels fighting the Soviets when they said "you might not want to give bin Laden weapons and money", who allegedly gave intel supporting the existence of WMDs, didn't pay attention when bin Laden's people were in the US at flying schools despite international red flags, tried to quash one CIA agent's hunt for bin Laden, you probably don't believe the CIA would ever lie to cover their asses either.

Was I there? Do I know what was said at the beginning of the attack? No I don't, but then again most of those doing the current screaming weren't there either. If you are going to call out one  administration call em all out. Believe me I do a lot of calling bs on the current administration, not nearly as much as the last one, but hey, at least I'm paying attention and not playing favorites.

Ok, I think I've pissed off enough people before going to bed. I could piss off more, but I'm tired now.


Friday, October 26, 2012

I have a new job

I have a new job. Armed security. Basically I've gone back to my roots.

I left my last job (I transferred from security to another department) as my boss and I had what I call cultural differences - his attitude is that American workers are lazy unless ridden herd on - and after dealing with what I call his pissing me off constantly (I did what he told me to, then he would ask why I did it). I quit with no notice. Not my usual style, but hey I would go home at the end of my day thinking about Claymore Mines and where I could hide what was left of him. Not a good thing on my part.

So with Allison's go ahead I quit. We spent the money on my commisioning classes (so that I could do armed security) and actually found a job all in about 4 months.

My new job is in Mesquite, TX and I work at an apartment complex that deals mainly with section 8 housing. It's an interesting place and the people definately keep me amused and on my toes.

We have the local drug dealer who used to like hanging on the corner - he's not there much anymore, seems that he's alergic to being arrested every other week. He's also not hanging out with the apartment on the dark back end of the complex since the management put lights on the porches. He doesn't like the exposure. I'm told teenages used to like coming through to cause trouble, break windows on cars, buy drugs and scare people. When I started 3 weeks ago there were loads of these 'kids' cutting through. Not so much any more.

My first few days/nights I was on the receiving end of the usal stares and standoffish curiosity. I let it lay, let them get used to seeing me and definately let them see me patroling, writing things down in my little book of everything and eyeballing the corners where the bad guys like to hang out. One of my first nights three guys were hanging out in the playground section thought they were going to try to initmidate me "what you staring at?" over and over again. I just grinned at them and continued staring. They left very soon after that.

Now three weeks in I get waves from most of the residents, I'm called Rose by most of the grandmothers who live there...I had one grandma brace her visiting 'thug' looking grandson for giving me the evil eyeball (he's actually a very intelligent kid who really needs to get a better class of friends), one of the ladies who lives here calls out a 'Hi, Rose' when she drives by.

How'd this happen? I talk to the people I see, I explain who I am and why I am there. You'd be amazed at how many times I hear 'aren't you scared?', I answer honestly - sometimes yes, sometimes no - and seeing the look in their eyes when I say 'I'm here to protect you and the complex'. One man asked me why. My answer was honest 'because you deserve it'.

See, I don't care that they are section 8. I know from talking to them that most would love to be elsewhere. One lady after a year and a half of searching for a good job, just finished her training to drive the handibus for the rapid transit system. Three weeks ago I watched her walk to and from wherever she was going and she had that defeated stance, two nights ago I watched her walk with her head held high. I took a report from a woman whose husband died less than a year ago and now she's here. She works 10 hours a day then comes home to her two children and takes care of them. She's tired most of the time. I also don't buy into the scarey stories and stereotypes you hear about the people in section 8 housing. Not all of them are scamimg the system, drug dealers or takers (yes I know they're out there, and yes I've eyeballed a few of them here) and not all of them are lazy. I have one apartment shared by four men from a Latin American country, which one I haven't figured out yet, who get up at 4 am, are out the door by 445 with all their construction gear (right now they work road projects) and are gone by 5. They live here because they send their money home for their families. I laughed when they all showed me their green cards. I told them I was not ICE.

There's a corner store just around the fence and I watch the kids walk to and from the store even when the parents walk with them. That's just part of who I am. I also know from talking to other residents that sometimes the bad guys like to mess with the residents and follow them back on to the apartment property (I guess even bad guys need a hobby). I've had parents thank me on the Sunday's and over nights they've seen me do this.

When I work somewhere as a security officer the property becomes Mine and the people there become Mine. What can I say? I'm selfish that way.

It hasn't all been serious. I have one lady who loves the Dallas Cowboys and Sunday's with her are fun depending on what the boys are doing or not doing. I know it's bad when she brings two beers back from the store. I've had little kids ask me to play tag and are disappointed when I've been busy (not sure how my boss would react seeing me be 'it'), and then there are the critters. My first night scare was the opossum who scared the bejaysus outta me. First off I didn't know we had them around here and second who the hell knew they hiss. I knew they climbed trees. But hissing? When it's dark out, you're patrolling and a hiss comes down at you, you'd have jumped up two feet and back three just like I did. I've since been told that after the hissing comes the attacking. I'll keep that in mind.

The second was the stray cat in the dumpster. Let's just say my asp baton was suddenly extended and the cat ran away. I had to make sure I hadn't wet myself. Hey I can laugh at myself.

Most of the kids at this complex are pretty young and there are a few teenagers. The teenagers at first had to do the eyeballing and chest swelling, now not so much. I guess hearing me laugh kinda took out the ego. The younger kids are usually polite even when parents aren't around. The teenagers are okay one on one. Since I work on Holloween I'll be taking candy with me and carrying it around in my cargo pockets (my uniform pants are ripstop bdu's, I love the cargo pockets) so that I can hand it out when I see the kids. I've told a few parents this and they were kind of surprised. I did not tell them that I'll also be eating the candy.

I've made more money at other jobs in my life, but I like the feeling I get doing what I'm doing now. I go home to Allison (I had to promise to wear a ballistic vest and yes I have a good one) and tell her my work stories (even the ones where I look like an idiot) with a smile on my face. With some luck I'll never think Claymore Mine and my boss again in the same sentence.

My new boss is a Military Police officer when he's not the Security Manager. We seem to get along and I get the idea that he likes my productivity. My co-worker (he works the nights I don't) is retired Air Force and has a fantastic sense of humor.

All in all, things are good. And yes I've warned my boss that if the opossum attacks I will be using my sidearm.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

This and That

So, wow it's been a interstingly odd week.

This will be my only response to Chik-fil-a. I like their chicken sandwich and the waffle fries. I spent ten years in uniform so that the owner can exercise his Freedom of Speech, and yes to donate his money to whomever he wants to.

No one I know is saying that he doesn't have this right. They like me are not boycotting his right to say what he wishes, or donate his money, we are saying however, that we will not participate in our own demise.

I am not allowed to legally marry Allison. We have been friends since 2001 and a couple for four and a half years. In that four and a half years we have been through the following:

Hurricane Ike: Oddly, Allison had picked that weekend to move her stuff out of the house she was renting and move in with me. She evacuated and we watched the Galveston we both love devistated. Then she saw it when she went back to complete the move. She was lucky, her block was one of the few left intact.

Two major illnesses on my part. One for ten days and one for seven.

Two surgeries: One minor and one left acl replacement.

Helping her mom recover from 2 knee replacements each a year apart.

Me losing my job due to outsourcing while recovering from the acl, and the year long job search.

My mom being diagnosed with CLL, which is a lukemia that strikes the elderly. My mom moving to and then from Dallas.

We have met each challenge and have not once waivered in our commitment to each other.

The owner of Chick-fil-a gives money to organizations who actively lobby to deny gay people the same "rights" everyone else takes for granted. If it was up to them, should anything happen to this wonderful woman in my life, I would not be legally allowed access to her in the hospital or make medical decisions that we've both agreed on despite a power of attorney. We are lucky, our families recogize our commitment to each other. Others are not so lucky.

I'm not going to address the "Religious" aspect to this argument because let's face it, your faith is your business and my faith is my business.

Onward to the next thing that's bugging me. Immigration.

As my old army buddies used to say..."You don't say much, but when you do...."

For the last couple of years I've listened to friends both in person and on fb talk about immigration as in "damned illegals taking up benefits and raising my taxes, my insurance premiums are too damn's all the illegals getting medical help that I'm paying for now..." etc. So now that the President is offering immunity those same people are now saying "well those people are taking jobs away from Americans".

Ok, here's a thought...if those who are in this country illegally 'stealing your tax dollars' fill out the paper work and become non illegal, any job they get they will pay taxes on. In the year I was looking for a job, I can't tell you the number of times I heard someone say "wow, I can't take this job, it only pays x." Well in my opinion x is a lot more than zero. A couple of those people were coming to the end of their unemployment benefits. Sometimes immigrants will take that low paying job that citizens don't want due to 'low wages' since it's more money than those immigrants have ever made in their lives. Just about every family in this country has an immigrant or two in the bloodline, some of them were illegal.

Here's a historical note, during the mid 80's to early 90's the largest percentage of illegals in this country were not of hispanic origin, they were Irish.

Onward. People still harping on entitlements. Ok here it is again....Social Security and Unemployment benefits are NOT entitlements. If you have ever worked in your lifetime, every paycheck you ever got had taxes taken out, including taxes for those two items. You worked for them, you paid into them, so did all the working types who are now not working types EARNED them. Quit your bitching and be thankful you still have a job and quit begruding others who aren't as lucky.

Drug testing for those on welfare. I'm actually for it as long as politicians are drug tested as well. I've had friends in the Secret Service, you'd be surprised what they see. Here's another note, some people on welfare and food stamps aren't who you might expect. There are soldiers on food stamps, there are the elderly on food stamps. At one point growing up my mother had a decent job, but was newly divorced, with four kids...she made enough to make the house/insurance payment, the car/insurance payment, keep us in clothes and shoes, but feeding the four of us was expensive. We did not spend frivolously we were very careful. She still needed help, I used to watch her eat as little as possible so that we could have enough, it was either food stamps or hurt her family. Think on that one for a while.

Taxes. Heads up...instead of bitching about what you think the current administration is or is not doing in reference to taxes...go look it up. How many of you actually know what happened after this President took office. If you figure it out, get back to me.

The deficit, job market, economy...instead of parroting your party of choice again go look it up. Because quite honestly when you parrot something that is blantantly wrong (read written down somewhere in the record) it's really not attractive.

Basically a lot of people in this country (of all political parties) got greedy and the people (again of all political parties) who were supposed to be in charge let it happen.

Politicians lie, it's part of the job description.

Gun control. Why is it everytime some wingnut shoots some place up there's a cry over gun control. Do I think people need assualt rifles in the house? Maybe one or two, you never know what the future holds, but in general no I don't. Does a so called hunter need an AK? Since I've never seen wildlife wearing balistic gear I'm going to say no. Do I belive in gun ownership? Yes. I have one. I'm eyeballing a couple more. How about this...we try as hard as possible to promote RESPONSIBLE gun ownership?  I've seen idiots with one weekend of training get a concealed license...I try to remember their faces...I don't want to be anywhere around them if the shit hits the fan.

I have more than twenty years of firearms experience. I know what my sidearm can do and what I can do with it. If there are children coming to our house my sidearm is locked away. When my sister Elaine's kids (they were younger back then) wanted to play with my sidearm, I instead showed them firearm operation and rules. They lost interest in my sidearm when it was no longer a 'taboo' and when I explained and demonstrated how to clean said sidearm.

There are always going to be those who get a weapon and use it for bad purposes. That is the sad truth of the human condition.

So there's the this and that in my mind lately.

Wishing you all a great weekend. Slainte.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Uprising 1916

I know, it's been a while. Life, what can I say. Today's topic is the 1916 Easter Uprising. Without this uprising the Ireland you and I know know would not exist.

In 1916 the Irish took a page from the United States. They read a declaration of independence and took over parts of Dublin on Easter Sunday. For a full week they fought the occupation forces of the British Empire. They lost horribly. Even the Irish public had no love for the uprising until the English government started to execute to leaders. One of the leaders, Pearce had to be propped up in a chair in order to be executed. His ankle had been shattered by a bullet.

Armed insurrection in Ireland to this point was not something new, but it was different in that both Catholics and Protestants joined together in large numbers in an attempt to remove from Irish soil a government that never truly had a right to Irish lives.

Rest in Peace and Thank you to those who rose up on an Easter Sunday in a tiny country.